30 questions about tattoos

Here are the 30 questions we will cover in this blog.

  1. What are the laws for tattoos?
  2. Are they available in Japan?
  3. How old do you have to be to get one?
  4. What are the laws for foreigners?
  5. Do you have to hide them in public?
  6. Where are places people with tattoos can’t go?
  7. Is Japan the only country restricting tattoos?
  8. What are the benefits?
  9. What happens people under 18 gets one?
  10. Is it harder for people with tattoos to get a job?
  11. Why is Japan so strict about tattoos?
  12. What are the backgrounds of tattoos?
  13. What are the risks of getting them?
  14. What are the health risks?
  15. What are the bias against tattoos?
  16. What are the kinds of tattoos?
  17. Culture or fashion?
  18. Are licences needed to be a designer?
  19. What are the alternatives for tattoos?
  20. Are there any deaths caused by tattoos?
  21. Where is the most painful spot on human body?
  22. Are they illegal in any countries?
  23. How long does it take to get one?
  24. Are they possible to remove?
  25. Any alternative ways in removing them?
  26. Is it cheaper in overseas?
  27. How hard are they to remove?
  28. Examples of celebrities with tattoos?
  29. Where is the popular spot to get tattoos?
  30. Are there any addiction to tattoos?


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