Survey results

1. Do you have a tattoo?

As seen in this graph, only 2 of the 78 people who have answered to this survey have tattoos.

2. What do you think of other people with tattoos? 
  • I think it’s a form of art that shouldn’t be thought as a bad thing.                 
  • Kind of feel that they are a scary person
  • If it has meaning, I agree with having one, but if it doesn’t and it’s basic or ugly idk       
  • As long as they aren’t all over one’s body or are their ex’s names I think they are very pretty
  • Some are cool, some are dumb?                 
  • ワンポイントタトゥーはかわいい、かっこいい、憧れる、やりたい がっつり背中に龍、とか日本のヤクザ感あるのは少し怖いイメージがあるけど、特には何も思わない(It is cool, cute, fashionable if it is just on one place, and I would like to try a dragon on my bak. In Japan it is thought of as scary because of the image of the Yakuza, but I don't think much of it.)
3. What country do you thinks is most strict with tattoos?

  • 49 people out of 77 respondents answered Japan as the most strictly restricted country.
  • Some people answered India, and few other Asian countries.
4. Do you think it's more difficult for people with tattoos to get a job?

  • 87% thinks it is harder.
  • Because tattoos is thought to be bad in the society and companies don’t want their reputations to go down.                          
  • People do have prejudice.
  • Tattoos seem unprofessional, because it takes away the uniformity that some jobs require. Especially if it's a job that requires you to face with clients, you would need to look presentable and professional. Tattoos are more of an art form. Not exactly bad but not exactly always appropriate either.
  •  I think it depends on where the tattoos are, but in Japan, if the tattoo is visible I’m sure the old HR people would think that the applicant is something like a 元ヤン

5. What would be your initial reaction if your child wanted to get a tattoo?
  •  I would tell them not to if it’s still an era which people judge others based on the fact that they have tattoos on their body. I don’t want my children to have tattoo which enables them to have a job. If they decide to do something in the future which tattoos don’t really matter, then I would allow them to have tattoos. But yeah after all, it is their life so I would want them to do anything they want to do in their life.
  •  I would be thrilled! As long as they don't put it on their face haha

6.Do you have a negative or positive image of tattoos?


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